A Brief View of the Amazing History of Indian Kabaddi - FanFight

In 2016 the World Cup for kabaddi was played in Ahmadabad in which India once again emerged the champion. Iran came at the second position. This is one game in which the country has shown its talent. Presently, you can enjoy playing Pro Kabaddi fantasy league that brings in the real thrill. Things you need to know about kabaddi: Kabaddi is a game where one needs to be on one's toes, literally. One's legs carry one to the enemy place and border and they should carry one back – only then can one count on points. This is one game where the legs get the highest importance, like in no other game. Not even in the football. Kabaddi is one game where one can pull another person’s legs. Indians are naturally good at this and this could give them a natural advantage.jokes a part. Pulling legs is an old pastime in India that’s why expert in this game and now you can even enjoy playing fantasy kabaddi. History of kabaddi: Kabaddi is a popular contact sport in S...